New Year's Resolutions are good to have, for the addicted knitter who sometimes doesn't know which way is up (not that I am one, of course, I just happen to know some like that... ). Having a resolution to not buy yarn for a year is crazy. Here's what I am resolving to do and they are all pretty nutty if you ask me. Nutty, but yet intriguing.
1) Dye yarn. Or, more specifically, learn how to dye yarn. I plan on enjoying making a mess of my apartment. Not too big of a mess though, my mother still has ideas of getting our deposit back.
2) Design something. A sweater, socks, fingerless gloves, anything. And, here's the kicker, actually knit the design.
3) Knit a sweater with a zipper. Interweave Winter 10' has an illuminating article on how to do this without a sewing machine. Simply genius and I want to try it now.
4) Take better pictures of my knitting. I need to figure out how better to work my camera.
5) Reclaim my yarn from never-to-be-finished projects and not feel guilty about it. I have way too much yarn tangled up in projects that I either made mistakes in, decided I don't actually like or simply had a "what was I thinking?" moment. I should just about double my stash if I liberate all that yarn...
I'm really going to make a huge effort on keeping my NYRs. I can, if I use my brain and my knitting powers, do everything listed. That's part of it, I picked stuff I have always wanted to do, just need the formal push of New Year's to write these things down and think about how to actually make them come true. Wish me luck as I go forth in this new year, in which things that I can never plan will happen, whatever those things are. It should be exciting.
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